Release Notes - PRIVATE - Liferay Portal Enterprise Edition - Version 5.1 EE SP 2 (5.1.5)
- [LPE-269] - Deploying portlets causes exceptions in Glassfish
- [LPE-482] - Document library shortcuts may not show up
- [LPE-503] - Viewing the Export/Import settings page causes exception
- [LPE-504] - Quotes in description breaks Image Gallery's pop up window
- [LPE-505] - Password history is tracked in database
- [LPE-506] - Users can subscribe to restricted message board threads
- [LPE-507] - Ehcache Clustering does not work in Jboss
- [LPE-513] - LDAP credentials are never saved after using the wrong credentials
- [LPE-514] - Site export/import does not work with instanceable plugin portlet
- [LPE-516] - CalendarUtil day comparison methods are incorrect
- [LPE-517] - Shared public render parameters are not saved when the portlet changes window state
- [LPE-519] - <liferay-ui:dicussion> generates empty HTML tables
- [LPE-521] - Restricted items appear in the Activities portlet
- [LPE-522] - Attackers can insert malicious JavaScript by creating an account
- [LPE-523] - JavaScripts are incorrectly compressed
- [LPE-524] - Search results is not ordered by relevance
- [LPE-527] - The Web Form portlet does not work if the Sun portlet container is used
- [LPE-529] - is ignored
- [LPE-530] - Friendly URLs do not work with with shared public render parameters
- [LPE-531] - Deleting a poll answer always deletes the last answer
- [LPE-532] - Cannot add comments when editing a document
- [LPE-533] - Invalid coupon data allowed in Shopping portlet
- [LPE-534] - Unable to override default template for Journal Content Display
- [LPE-536] - Gospel for Asia does not work for logged in users
- [LPE-537] - Database queries are not cached
- [LPE-538] - "hibernate.generate_statistics" properly not read from
- [LPE-541] - The URL for the Company Logo Link in the Jedi Theme is incorrect
- [LPE-542] - Phishers can redirect users to a malicious site
- [LPE-543] - Some image content types may not be recognized by Internet Explorer
- [LPE-544] - Staging scheduler does not work
- [LPE-546] - Proposing a staged page may cause errors
- [LPE-547] - Documents in Document Library "disappears" after upgrading to 5.1.3
- [LPE-548] - Workflow staging with organizations does not work
- [LPE-549] - HTTP Headers may have duplicate values
- [LPE-550] - Changing has no effect
- [LPE-551] - Renamed database indexes are not applied
- [LPE-552] - StripFilter is not stripping scripts correctly when the script type is not specified
- [LPE-554] - The icon for the welcome message in the dock is missing
- [LPE-555] - Cannot delete email address in Mail portlet
- [LPE-556] - Paths prefixed with the locale do not work with virtual host
- [LPE-557] - Custom page CSS loaded before the theme's CSS
- [LPE-558] - Users are able to create pages without a name
- [LPE-559] - Cannot use Journal structures with an apostrophe in the name of a selection list
- [LPE-560] - Incorrect manage pages links to community with a virtual host
- [LPE-561] - User should be warned when attempting to add a new Wiki page using the name of an existing page
- [LPE-562] - Portlet 2.0 (JSR 286) Compliance - Resource cachability
- [LPE-566] - Incorrect Region Code for Alberta, Canada
- [LPE-568] - Group and Role table contains invalid data
- [LPE-569] - ThemeDisplay does not default to the render portlet phase
- [LPE-571] - "Link Portlet URLs to Page" property is not imported correctly
- [LPE-573] - Mail properties are not read correctly
- [LPE-574] - POP mail notifications does not work in secure mode
- [LPE-575] - Every call to checkCompanyKey() clears the cache of the company
- [LPE-577] - Malicious JavaScript can be inserted into the Communities portlet
- [LPE-578] - Malicious JavaScript can be inserted into the Calendar portlet
- [LPE-579] - Malicious JavaScript can be inserted into pages with a search box
- [LPE-580] - Malicious JavaScript can be inserted into a page through the theme
- [LPE-581] - Malicious JavaScript can be inserted into a page
- [LPE-582] - Database indexes created before verification of database data
- [LPE-583] - Upgrades fail because MySQL indexes cannot be dropped
- [LPE-587] - Configuring the message bus in a plugin does not work
- [LPE-588] - Unnecessary code in MainServlet slows performance
- [LPE-591] - <liferay-ui:user-display> does not does not close <div> tag
- [LPE-594] - Cannot customize portlets using render_portlet-ext.jsp
- [LPE-600] - LDAP is not updated when a user requests a new password from "Forgot Password"
- [LPE-604] - Users who inherit the power user role do not get a My Community
- [LPE-605] - When replying to a membership request, the requester's name is displayed incorrectly
- [LPE-606] - The last modified date used for Message Boards attachments are incorrect
- [LPE-607] - Database runs out of connections
- [LPE-611] - Portlet preferences contains extra spaces after being saved
- [LPE-612] - Service builder does not pick up exceptions in *ServiceImpl
- [LPE-613] - Country and region drop down list is blank when editing a user's address
- [LPE-616] - Plugin Installer stops working if an error occurs during portlet deployment
- [LPE-619] - Journal article does not use default language
- [LPE-625] - Cannot create more then two revision of a document in Document Library
- [LPE-629] - Organization administrator do not have permission to manage sub-organizations
- [LPE-630] - Organization administrators cannot assign an organization role to a organization member
- [LPE-632] - The Blog portlet's rss feed does not work in a virtual host
- [LPE-634] - A user's Message Boards post count does not decrement when a post is deleted
- [LPE-636] - Cannot override FCKeditor's CommandReceivers with Spring
- [LPE-637] - Links to the control panel are broken in virtual host mode
- [LPE-639] - The list of archived portlet preferences displays wrong number of results
- [LPE-640] - Cannot restore archived portlet preferences if it contains a read-only preference
- [LPE-641] - Ratings in Asset Publisher portlet do not work
- [LPE-642] - Stars for the Search Ratings TagLib sometimes displays using more than one line
- [LPE-643] - Events in Calendar Portlet that recur yearly based on the week and day are not being displayed
- [LPE-644] - Guests cannot export calendar events
- [LPE-645] - The Input Date Tag Lib allows invalid dates to be selected
- [LPE-646] - Recursive permission checking skips the first folder/category
- [LPE-655] - Deleting a Shopping item's option always deletes the last option
- [LPE-656] - JDBC batching is disabled
- [LPE-662] - Images are missing from Wiki pages converted to PDF
- [LPE-664] - Class loading issue with <portlet-layout-listener-class>
- [LPE-673] - Asset Publisher's view count does not increment
- [LPE-674] - Some links are not invoking the URLs using POST
- [LPE-677] - Cannot remove an image's view permission from guest users
- [LPE-678] - Nested CDATA in XML is incorrectly parsed
- [LPE-679] - ClassCastException when casting a XML Node to an Element
- [LPE-680] - SQL comments causes errors in DB2
- [LPE-681] - Unnecessary database join reduces performance
- [LPE-682] - PortletImpl.clone() does not work correctly
- [LPE-684] - Search index is updated even if
- [LPE-688] - Deleting a page causes a "page not found" error
- [LPE-690] - Missing pages do not return a HTTP 404 status
- [LPE-692] - Text is not localized under high load
- [LPE-693] - IFrame portlet does not behave intuitively for guest users
- [LPE-694] - Asset Publisher configuration doesn't save the metafields correcty when using manual asset selection
- [LPE-695] - Icons using image sprites are not showing up in IE6
- [LPE-697] - Mutable objects are shared across threads
- [LPE-698] - Portlet permissions are incorrectly saved
- [LPE-699] - Warnings are not being shown when a browser session expires
- [LPE-700] - JavaScript error on LDAP configuration page
- [LPE-701] - Assigning a user to a usergroup with web pages may cause errors
- [LPE-702] - Portlet resources are incorrectly cached
- [LPE-704] - LDAP import stops if there is an issue updating a user
- [LPE-706] - Updated read / write database splitting to better align with transactional boundaries
- [LPE-711] - Unable to publish staging pages when the community contains a poll question
- [LPE-712] - Journal content search portlet does not respect all search preferences
- [LPE-713] - Web content search links for some articles do not work
- [LPE-716] - ResourceCode is not cached correctly
- [LPE-718] - Make use of the friendly URL separator consistent in JSPs
- [LPE-723] - Users are able to overwrite existing Wiki Pages by creating new pages of the same title
- [LPE-724] - Liferay.Util.defaultValue() always replace original value
- [LPE-725] - The search index is not updated
- [LPE-729] - Old versions of Journal article loses its tags if a newer version is deleted
- [LPE-731] - Users with spaces in screen name cannot sign in
- [LPE-733] - Dynamically generated page meta data is missing a space
- [LPE-734] - Dynamically generated page meta keywords contains duplicates
- [LPE-736] - Wiki portlet will display an incorrect error if no nodes are viewable
- [LPE-737] - Adding comments fails under high load
- [LPE-738] - Using the <reference> element in service builder causes exception
- [LPE-739] - Decoding a base64 string causes exception
- [LPE-740] - Image Gallery breaks if image description contains newlines
- [LPE-742] - Plugin WARs without the version in the WAR's name causes exception
- [LPE-743] - Upgrading services generated by service builder requires portlet-model-hints-ext.xml
- [LPE-746] - Importing a Community LAR file that does not contain portlet preferences causes an incomplete import process.
- [LPE-747] - WSDD file is not generated
- [LPE-750] - Portlet data is not exported
- [LPE-751] - Importing a user from LDAP may cause errors
- [LPE-756] - Portlet 2.0 (JSR 286) Compliance - Expiration cache
- [LPE-757] - Deleting a thread in Message Boards only deletes first message
- [LPE-758] - Race conditions for comments
- [LPE-759] - Child Wiki Pages with page names alphabetically earlier than their parent Wiki Pages will not import correctly
- [LPE-760] - Importing a Wiki page with the same name as an existing page may cause a duplicate page error
- [LPE-761] - New passwords received through forgot password do not set password modified date
- [LPE-762] - Entries is RSS feeds appear twice in RSS readers
- [LPE-764] - XSS escaping is too aggressive
- [LPE-766] - Sorting users by jobtitle may cause errors
- [LPE-767] - RSS portlet does not correctly read some Atom feeds
- [LPE-768] - The page will shift depending on if there is a scroll bar
- [LPE-769] - Accessing a restricted community sends the browser into an infinite loop
- [LPE-770] - Staging permissions do not work with organizations
- [LPE-772] - Social activities can contain duplicate indexes
- [LPE-776] - Article type layouts are not published from staging
- [LPE-777] - AmazonRankings portlet is not compatible with Java 6
- [LPE-782] - JSON services incorrectly returns results with an array
- [LPE-784] - Asset Publisher does not sort blog entries correctly
- [LPE-786] - Friend requests may get confirmed or ignored involuntarily
- [LPE-788] - Ehcache cache names contains #
- [LPE-789] - JavaScript error in Manage Pages
- [LPE-790] - enum type breaks ant format-source
- [LPE-791] - Changing the log level does not work
- [LPE-795] - Creating a new page with "Copy parent" does not copy the portlet's preferences
- [LPE-796] - Values for the Look and Feel of portlets are not being reset after the initial load
- [LPE-806] - Changing layout templates may cause some portlets to become inaccessible
- [LPE-808] - Clicking a first level tab while managing pages may cause an error
- [LPE-809] - "Redirect URL on Success" in Web Form portlet does not work
- [LPE-811] - Exporting/importing a site will cause an error if a Journal article is using the Small Image URL
- [LPE-812] - Unable to manage announcements over the 20th entry
- [LPE-814] - Page meta data is lost when upgrading from Liferay 4.x to 5.x
- [LPE-816] - Web content link to layout structure element may not show the first page in a community as an option to choose
- [LPE-818] - Importing a site generates social activities
- [LPE-819] - Use provinces instead of regions for Italy
- [LPE-820] - Pages are incorrectly cached after a user log in
- [LPE-821] - Incorrect messaging statistic
- [LPE-823] - Email attachments are not sent
- [LPE-826] - ClassNotFoundException occurs after redeploying a plugin
- [LPE-830] - Request parameter values are duplicated when virtual hosts are used
- [LPE-832] - <liferay-ui:staging> is not exposed in tld
- [LPE-834] - HookHotDeployListener does not work
- [LPE-837] - User ranks are not shown in Message Boards
- [LPE-839] - Searching for users in the control panel doesn't work
- [LPE-840] - Exporting a community with a Document Library Display portlet may fail
- [LPE-841] - Moving a Wiki page causes exceptions
- [LPE-843] - The JavaScript minifier does not work on Weblogic
- [LPE-845] - Deleting an Expando table does not delete corresponding rows
- [LPE-847] - Malicious JavaScript can be inserted into a page through an organization's name
- [LPE-848] - Upgrading a Liferay database on PostgreSQL does not work
- [LPE-850] - Malicious JavaScript can be inserted into a page through a role's name
- [LPE-851] - Malicious JavaScript can be inserted into a page through an password policy's name or description
- [LPE-853] - Malicious JavaScript can be inserted into Manage Pages
- [LPE-855] - Request parameters without a value causes exception
- [LPE-856] - Importing iCalendar files from MS Outlook does not work
- [LPE-857] - Tomcat hangs on shutdown when starting with a portal with an empty database
- [LPE-861] - Corrupt database do not get upgraded
- [LPE-862] - Inherited permissions do not appear when editing resource permission
- [LPE-863] - Malicious JavaScript can be inserted into the Shopping portlet
- [LPE-864] - JavaScript minifier allows access to any file on the system
- [LPE-870] - Upgrading a MSSQL database does not work
- [LPE-871] - Document Library Display uses the same columns for folder and document listing
- [LPE-872] - Journal Content Search does not return any result after importing a site
- [LPE-873] - JavaScript/CSS minifier does not work on WebLogic
- [LPE-874] - Full URL is rendered even when using a virtual host
- [LPE-875] - Regular users can still see their my community pages when the Power User role is required
- [LPE-877] - Hello World portlet does not close PrintWriter
- [LPE-878] - Support for updating indexes for Oracle and PostgreSQL
- [LPE-879] - "Could not compile stylesheet" error during startup on WebLogic
- [LPE-885] - Nested portlets does not work
- [LPE-886] - Malicious JavaScript can be inserted into a page's <title> and <meta> tags
- [LPE-888] - Journal Content Search does not index Journal articles using structures and localization
- [LPE-891] - Users without personalized pages cannot access auth.public.paths
- [LPE-892] - Allow DBUtil to take a connection for executing sql
- [LPE-895] - Calling a JSON service with a primitive array fails
- [LPE-896] - The <a> tag does not allow a "name" attribute in HTML 5
- [LPE-897] - ccpp.jar in Tomcat 6 causes ClassCastException
- [LPE-1002] - Images in Weather portlet do not show up
- [LPE-1003] - Google Gadget portlet does not work
- [LPE-497] - In Manage Pages, the tree view of the pages now uses AJAX to load sub-pages
- [LPE-511] - ContentUtil takes an optional ClassLoader to change where it looks for content
- [LPE-515] - Improve user experience when viewing a non-existent wiki page
- [LPE-518] - Added France, Germany and Italy's region information
- [LPE-520] - <liferay-ui:dicussion> is difficult to style
- [LPE-525] - Remove outdated jar files in ext environment
- [LPE-526] - Updated third party libraries
- [LPE-528] - Global "Class" variable causes conflicts with 3rd party libraries
- [LPE-535] - The root URL of a community with a virtual host will now always go to the front page
- [LPE-539] - Upgrading ext environment no longer requires the portal source code
- [LPE-540] - Database performance improvement
- [LPE-553] - Expose cache methods in ORM/Hibernate wrapper
- [LPE-563] - New PortalSessionContext.getSessionCount() method
- [LPE-564] - Theme CSS and JavaScript loading standardization
- [LPE-565] - Allow modification of JournalContentUtil with Spring
- [LPE-567] - Removed Java UUID Generator library to improve performance
- [LPE-570] - Additional role checking method available in UserService
- [LPE-572] - Mechanism to replace the entity returned by a service with a custom implementation
- [LPE-576] - GUI interface to configure mail server
- [LPE-585] - Reduce memory requirement by shortening FinderCache keys
- [LPE-586] - Added method to get classNameId from ClassNameService
- [LPE-589] - Refactored StartupAction to move logic into a utility class
- [LPE-590] - Added new methods to MailMessage to set to, cc and bcc
- [LPE-592] - Improve startup time by 20% for servers connecting to a network database
- [LPE-593] - Cache system roles and system groups
- [LPE-595] - New "extendList" method added to AbstractModelExtensionHandler
- [LPE-596] - Simplify getting plid from a portletId
- [LPE-597] - Activities portlet now tracks activities in the Document Library
- [LPE-598] - Removed unnecessary calls "lower" in database queries
- [LPE-599] - Improved manual usage of FinderCache
- [LPE-601] - Simplify creating and using ThreadLocal
- [LPE-602] - Added support for Ingres database
- [LPE-603] - Added support for sharded portal instances
- [LPE-608] - Removed *ServiceJSON classes
- [LPE-609] - Improved names for staging enabled organizations and users
- [LPE-610] - Added remove() methods to ArrayUtil
- [LPE-614] - Clicking on a message board category in search results should display the category
- [LPE-615] - Simplify creating links to another page
- [LPE-617] - Allow portlets to be published as Google Gadgets
- [LPE-618] - Cleaned up code that generates friendly URLs
- [LPE-620] - Improved usability for IFrame portlet's configuration page
- [LPE-621] - Improved database queries to find message board threads by group ID
- [LPE-622] - Cleaned up code using DBUtil.DB_TYPE_*
- [LPE-623] - Expose isSupportsAlterColumnName() and isSupportsAlterColumnType() in DBUtil
- [LPE-624] - Speed up upgrade process for databases that support altering the column type
- [LPE-626] - An option to ensure all requests are HTTPS requests
- [LPE-627] - New method to retrieve the current URL
- [LPE-631] - Simplify creation of XHTML-compliant themes
- [LPE-633] - Filter articles in Journal Articles portlet by structure
- [LPE-635] - Optimize Message Boards database tables
- [LPE-638] - Improve performance of algorithm to check Message Boards subscriptions
- [LPE-647] - Use generics with BaseModel
- [LPE-648] - Added ListTree and TreeNode utility classes
- [LPE-649] - Improved performance of displaying Message Boards categories
- [LPE-650] - Allow Office 2008 files by default in the Document Library
- [LPE-651] - Allow Hooks to overwrite additional portal properties
- [LPE-652] - Clarify the scope of a search
- [LPE-653] - Simplify searching for tags asset in a plugin
- [LPE-657] - Remove unused methods in MBMessageDisplay
- [LPE-658] - Improved algorithm used to check for unread Message Board threads
- [LPE-659] - Mouse over support added to <liferay-ui:icon>
- [LPE-660] - Removed "I Agree" button if user has already agreed to the "Terms of Use"
- [LPE-661] - Added "toggleSelectBox" to Liferay.Util JavaScript
- [LPE-663] - Disable document conversion cache in developer mode
- [LPE-665] - Optimized data entry method for ExpandoValue
- [LPE-666] - Use JDBC batching for the verify processes
- [LPE-667] - Simplify the use of ratings in plugins
- [LPE-668] - Added indexes to group table to improve performance
- [LPE-669] - Improved performance of the Sign In portlet's create account page
- [LPE-671] - Removed unnecessary calls "lower" in MySQL queries
- [LPE-672] - Improved algorithm used to add permissions
- [LPE-675] - GUI interface to configure maximum upload file size
- [LPE-676] - Improved caching of entities
- [LPE-683] - Allow modification of portal memory cache manager
- [LPE-685] - Remove usage of DisposableBean & InitializingBean in EhcachePortalCacheManager
- [LPE-686] - Adding a duplicate resource no longer throws an exception
- [LPE-687] - Enable the spring capabilities of ServiceBuilder plugins in non-ServiceBuilder plugins
- [LPE-689] - Removed duplicate warnings when fetching a portlet with portlet id of ""
- [LPE-691] - Better default values for C3PO (connection pooling)
- [LPE-696] - Allow sharing portlets on Netvibes
- [LPE-703] - Improved visual cue for missing LDAP password
- [LPE-705] - Simplify finding groups with no layouts
- [LPE-707] - More informative CSS sprite generation error messages
- [LPE-708] - Support for reporting engines
- [LPE-709] - Maintenance framework for converting old data
- [LPE-710] - Update classic wiki pages in Admin portlet
- [LPE-714] - Pagination for Message Boards messages in "Flat View"
- [LPE-715] - Allow new users to choose a password during account creation
- [LPE-717] - Cache resource code for faster performance
- [LPE-719] - Removed unnecessary companyId parameters in ResourceActionsUtil
- [LPE-720] - New methods to check permissions
- [LPE-721] - Updated PermissionService.hasUserPermissions() to take a name parameter
- [LPE-722] - Permission Algorithm 6
- [LPE-726] - Free up garbage collection cycles due to unnecessary object creation
- [LPE-727] - Improved robustness of JSONServiceAction
- [LPE-728] - Default log levels
- [LPE-730] - Allow ability to control how many entries are automatically expanded in RSS portlet
- [LPE-732] - Provide migrations script to Permission Algorithm 5 & 6
- [LPE-741] - Improved algorithm for checking if a string is null
- [LPE-744] - Trackbacks and pinging Google on new Blog entries is now optional
- [LPE-745] - Simplify setter algorithm used in *ModelImpl classes
- [LPE-748] - Method to perform log base 2 calculations
- [LPE-749] - Drop down menu for Classic theme
- [LPE-752] - Optimized the algorithm to get a company Id by the virtual host
- [LPE-753] - Decreased number of message bus thread to improve performance
- [LPE-754] - Optimized the algorithm to get a Blog's URL title
- [LPE-755] - Improved taglib performance
- [LPE-763] - "Portal" transaction isolation level
- [LPE-771] - IFrame portlet enhancements
- [LPE-773] - Instance specific file.
- [LPE-774] - Improve Lucene(Search)'s write performance
- [LPE-778] - Combine System Properties and Portal Properties tab
- [LPE-779] - Added method to clear a specific registry / cache
- [LPE-780] - Improved performance for hierarchical tree data
- [LPE-781] - Performance improvement for Organizations
- [LPE-783] - New method to get a list of deployed plugin themes
- [LPE-785] - Permission pagination in portlet configuration screen
- [LPE-787] - Improved speed when querying for users in the database
- [LPE-792] - Allow users to create a new wiki page after doing a search
- [LPE-793] - Improved algorithm to retrieve message board flags
- [LPE-794] - Pagination for comments
- [LPE-797] - Allow plugin portlets to access Document Library's constants
- [LPE-798] - Grant asset listeners access to tags entries
- [LPE-799] - reIndex() methods do not need to be in a transaction
- [LPE-800] - Retrieving recent posts in Message Boards is faster
- [LPE-801] - Performance improvement for Image Gallery
- [LPE-802] - Search indexing takes less memory
- [LPE-803] - Performance improvement for Wiki
- [LPE-804] - Performance improvement for Document Library
- [LPE-805] - Comments load faster
- [LPE-807] - Next & previous button for blogs
- [LPE-810] - Make it easier to use OrganizationPermissionUtil
- [LPE-813] - Plugins can disable auto-upgrading tables
- [LPE-815] - "My Images" in Image Gallery portlet is not needed for guest users
- [LPE-822] - Support for JSR-301: JSF Portlet Bridge
- [LPE-824] - Allow upgrade tables to use a custom select SQL
- [LPE-825] - toString() and toXmlString() methods added to modelImpl classes
- [LPE-827] - Custom SecurityManager for debugging
- [LPE-828] - New methods to create a file name
- [LPE-829] - Support system type instances / companies
- [LPE-831] - Allows BaseFilter's subclasses to throw ServletException in init()
- [LPE-835] - Removed unnecessary uses of prepared statements in upgrade scripts
- [LPE-836] - Performance improvement for Calendar
- [LPE-838] - Allow Message Boards moderators to have a rank
- [LPE-842] - Renaming a navigation item or a portlet title gives the impression of a XSS vulnerability
- [LPE-844] - Getting resource actions has been simplified
- [LPE-846] - Performance improvement for Expando
- [LPE-852] - Refactored <liferay-ui:page-iterator>
- [LPE-854] - Option to print out a full thread dump on shutdown
- [LPE-858] - Removed unnecessary database index on SocialRequest
- [LPE-860] - Methods to detect at run time whether a database supports case sensitive text search
- [LPE-865] - Image maps can be used in TinyMCE
- [LPE-866] - Added id attribute to "Add Blog Entry" button
- [LPE-867] - Performance improvement for message listeners
- [LPE-868] - Improved Blogs navigation
- [LPE-869] - Improved performance for viewing Message Boards threads
- [LPE-876] - Precompile JSPs when deploying to WebLogic
- [LPE-880] - Community templates
- [LPE-881] - Ratings for Wiki pages
- [LPE-882] - ConfigurationAction now has access to the resource lifecycle
- [LPE-883] - Renamed *Wrapper classes to Invoker*
- [LPE-884] - Portal level polling mechanism for portlets
- [LPE-887] - Option to disable file ranks
- [LPE-893] - SerializableUtil
- [LPE-894] - Tuple is now serializable
- [LPE-898] - Default version of Tomcat 6 changed to 6.0.18