Liferay Portal Enterprise Edition - Version 5.2.4

Liferay, Inc. is pleased to announce the second major release of Liferay Portal Enterprise Edition.

Version 5.2 features major enhancements including:

* Control Panel � A sleek administration control panel gives a unified view of every aspect of portal administration, from security and user management to checking system resources and performing server administration actions.

* Microsoft Office� integration � Users can continue to work from preferred productivity suites and programs and manage documents in Liferay Portal as if it were a SharePoint� server.

* Knowledge Base framework � Users can build a store of information, with simple category-based navigation, to help find solutions to relevant questions or issues that may arise in an organization.

* Performance and speed � Data capacity and speed have been further enhanced. Portal scored a 92/100 on Yslow, a leading grading product for web page speed.

Please email with any questions.


Phishing + XSS vulnerability with "Return to Full Page" linkLPE-960
Same error message displayed for incorrect email and passwordLPE-961
Framework for escaping untrusted dataLPE-934
Removed RUON, Mirage, SAW, and Portlet ContainerLPE-978
Reduce network traffic and download time with HTTP ETagLPE-987
The user information's job title attribute is always blankLPE-935
AuthenticatingHttpInvokerRequestExecutor can cause a StackOverflowErrorLPE-942
PortalUtil getPortletTitle method causes StackOverflowError ExceptionLPE-951
Instance specific file are ignoredLPE-957
Deploying to WebLogic fails because the pre-compiler does not allow folders that start with _LPE-970
Links contains spacesLPE-991
Added Australia's region informationLPE-963
Source Formatter leaves an extra space when formatting logsLPE-964
Updating a user's password may cause an errorLPE-954
Control Panel
Custom admin roles can access the control panelLPE-997
Role title translation are lost when editing a roleLPE-948
New users are not added to default user groups.LPE-967
Incorrect number of role title translationsLPE-949
Support for Java Persistence Query LanguageLPE-968
Database indexes are added even if the index already existLPE-979
Database shard not created for default companyLPE-980
Tags with duplicate properties can not be savedLPE-994
Framework / API
Removed RUON, Mirage, SAW, and Portlet ContainerLPE-978
Pagination support for getRoleUsers()LPE-944
Updated third party librariesLPE-946
Added modified date to business intelligence reportingLPE-947
Renamed JSPPortlet to MVCPortletLPE-950
PortletURL is unable to escape XML when writing to streamLPE-955
Tracking Wiki page changes is more intuitiveLPE-965
MultiValueMap data typeLPE-976
New method for getting a BaseModelLPE-992
Source Formatter doesn't convert tabs to spaces correctly resulting in false positivesLPE-941
DelayedTask for JavaScriptLPE-945
Users are able to open multiple Add Application windowsLPE-982
Unauthenticated users can not call Liferay.PortletURLLPE-993
Star ratings does not work for languages that uses a comma as the decimal separatorLPE-996
Dates in Calendar portlet is incorrectLPE-989
Star ratings does not work for languages that uses a comma as the decimal separatorLPE-996
Improved Turkish translationLPE-966
Untranslated text in Portlet look and feelLPE-985
Custom admin roles can access the control panelLPE-997
Plugin Hooks
Hooks can overwrite additional portal propertiesLPE-977
Plugin Portlet - WOL
WOL Friends Portlet should not show deactivated usersLPE-943
Plugin Portlets
Christianity portlets are now plugin portletsLPE-984
Eliminate the need for a portlet.xml file in simple MVC portletsLPE-972
Plugin portlets can leverage the IFrame portletLPE-981
Plugins are easier to deploy to WebLogicLPE-973
Portlet - Activities
Social activities from a portlet scoped to a page do not show as community activitiesLPE-969
Portlet - Asset Publisher
Asset Publisher dynamically fills in the meta keywords tagLPE-988
Portlet - Blog
Blog Portlet Does Not Factor User Time Zone When Displaying DateTime of Blog EntriesLPE-953
The "public" checkbox for blogs and messages board messages is disabled by defaultLPE-959
Portlet - Calendar
Dates in Calendar portlet is incorrectLPE-989
Portlet - IFrame
Allow IFrame portlet to use dynamic user credentialsLPE-974
Plugin portlets can leverage the IFrame portletLPE-981
Improved accessibility for IFrame portletLPE-990
Portlet - Journal / Web Content
Velocity stops rendering if the template calls a non existing serviceLPE-975
Toggle edit controls does not toggle web content display iconsLPE-983
Portlet - Message Boards
Message Boards does not work after upgrade from 5.1.4 to 5.1.5LPE-952
The "public" checkbox for blogs and messages board messages is disabled by defaultLPE-959
Portlet - RSS
Cannot set a footer Journal / Web Content for RSS portletLPE-986
Portlet - Sign In
Same error message displayed for incorrect email and passwordLPE-961
Screen names are changed by LiferayLPE-956
Portlet - Tags Admin
Tags with duplicate properties can not be savedLPE-994
Portlet - Wiki
Wiki's summary field is pre-populated with old dataLPE-958
Tracking Wiki page changes is more intuitiveLPE-965
Option to disable searching users by indexLPE-995
Star ratings does not work for languages that uses a comma as the decimal separatorLPE-996
Phishing + XSS vulnerability with "Return to Full Page" linkLPE-960
Velocity stops rendering if the template calls a non existing serviceLPE-975
Christianity portlets are now plugin portletsLPE-984