LPE-1516 Service builder incorrectly generates ORDER BY for compound primary keys

To apply this bug fix to custom services, please run Service Builder again in the extension environment and for each portlet that uses Service Builder.

LPE-1521 Added a Language Filter to speed up page loading time

This new feature is enabled by default. To revert back to the old behavior, set the following in portal(-ext).properties:


LPE-1524 Property values changes when multiple plugin hooks modify portal.properties

If you are currently overriding any property in portal.properties that accepts a comma separated set of values with a plugin hook, please note that the value of the property will now be merged with the original value in portal.property. If you need to completely remove the original value from the property, please use a portal-ext.properties files to first remove the original value.

LPE-1531 Updated BasePersistence to take advantage of generics

To take advantage of this improvement if your portlets, please run service builder again. To take advantage of this improvement in an extension environment, the extension environment must be regenerated and service builder must be run again.

LPE-1578 Added option to use reCAPTCHA for captcha checks

As part of this improvement, captcha(-ext).properties is no longer used and the properties within this file has been moved into portal(-ext).properties.

The following is a list of the properties in captcha(-ext).properties followed by it's corresponding property in portal(-ext).properties.

    cap.image.height - captcha.engine.simplecaptcha.height
    cap.image.width - captcha.engine.simplecaptcha.width
    cap.text.produce - captcha.engine.simplecaptcha.text.producers

LPE-1589 CAS does not work in clustered environments

In order to address this issue, the Yale CAS client has been replaced with Jasig CAS client. The Jasig CAS client does not use a validate URL but uses a server URL instead. The server URL should point to the location of the CAS server. For example, https://localhost:8443/cas-web.

The Control Panel's user interface (or Enterprise Admin portlet in 5.1.8) has been updated to reflect this change. The server URL setting must be set for CAS to continue working.

If you are configuring CAS using portal(-ext).property, add the following property to your property file:
The old property, cas.validate.url, can safely be removed.

LPE-1802 Unable to override ScreenNameValidator through hooks

In portal-ext.properties, if you specifically have 


this line must be changed to 


LPE-1803 Unable to override ScreenNameGenerator through hooks

In portal-ext.properties, if you specifically have


this line must be changed to


LPE-1804 Allow EmailAddressGenerator to be overridden by hooks

In portal-ext.properties, if you specifically have


this line must be changed to


LPE-1741 Document Library may incorrectly set a document's mime type

The property "mime.types" in portal.property is no longer applicable and has been removed. Additional MIME types should now be added to the file META-INF/mime.types.